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Status Replies posted by CrazY

  1. Hi Crazy can u help me Bro with adding Mapvote in Cod4 ?


    1. CrazY


      yes sure mate its easy :)

  2. hey kuilla how to be admin


  3. Today 21.00 im in server.

    Who play with meeeeee :D

  4. Today 21.00 im in server.

    Who play with meeeeee :D


    1. CrazY


      ohh you got me in the mood am playing some 2pac fucking loud and wake all there fuckers up :)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. Boreeeeedom..give me something to do

    1. CrazY


      make some art work for royal soldiers there are all ways some thing to do for rs. And your art work could go0 onto youtube or google stuff like that :)

      only if its good :)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. lool just made a little shit page for chatlog its master chatlog all servers linked to it


  8. give me editable promode

    1. CrazY


      well you now asking nice your demanding so the answer is no.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. Hey CrazY ! You have any COD 4 TDM mod ?


    1. CrazY


      Tdm is all ready in the game by default no need to make a tdm mod mate.



  10. thats the twich live stream sir


    1. CrazY


      whats that like a plugin ?

  11. Dr Dre Go to admin cp then adminstrtor group then go to content or social i think and changed profile photo upload size to 100000 and dimensions to 1920 then try 

    1. CrazY


      I have already made it bigger but no need for that size you have said thanks for helping 


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. cant upload profile picture its says its to big 

  13. cant upload profile picture its says its to big 

    1. CrazY


      and whats the size off the file and the size off the Dimensions mate ?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)